Our clinical team works collaboratively, using an evidenced based practice model. An Evidence Based Practice takes into consideration 3 key components necessary for successful treatment of any medical condition, including mental health problem and illnesses;
1) scientific evidence
2) professional judgement
3) personal values & preferences
Any evidence-based treatment programme for you or your family member should include interventions or models of therapy for which there is scientific evidence, professionals who are qualified to provide clinical judgement and deliver therapy and most importantly your individual or family’s preferences and values.
At The Wellness Centre we do our best to ensure that client’s needs and experiences are best suited to therapist skill set and theoretical orientation. If you don’t feel comfortable after the first, or even several visits, talk about your feelings at your next meeting; don’t be afraid to contact another mental health professional. Feeling comfortable with whomever you choose is very important to the success of your mental health treatment!